Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Sergio Mendes & Brasil 77 - Home Cooking (1976)

What an oasis this album was for long-time Mendes fans when it came out, after the relatively barren Bell and early Elektra years. Sergio, working with a stellar rhythm section (including Wonderlove's Michael Sembello), and the superb vocals of Lise Miller, Marietta Waters and Bonnie Bowden, expertly delves into a "heavier" Latin sound (almost like Santana) while preserving the lighter Bossa Nova sound for which he justifiably became world-famous. And that all wrapped in delicious and infectious funk base rhythm. So basically that's what Mendes made in this abum. "If you smelll... what Mendes is cookin'..!

1. Sunny Day
2. Hey People Hey
3. It's So Obvious That I Love You
4. Emorio
5. Shakara
6. Where To Now St. Peter?
7. Cut That Out
8. Tell Me In A Whisper
9. It's Up To You
10. Home Cooking

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