Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Emerald (2 album)

Emerald was formed in 1986 with the first formation Iwang Noersaid (keyboard), Morgan Sigarlaki (gitar), Roedyanto (bass), Inang Noersaid(Drum). Later came Ricky Jo (Ricky Yohannes) with his outstanding vocal quality, and the band reached the top and won many awards. This is not just an ordinary band. They were like Casiopea's fusion style. They also recorded their album with live studio recording technique, which required great skills. For you who want to know about one of the most amazing indonesian fusion band, or to refresh your memory in a nice nostalgia lane, here are two of their albums. enjoy!

Emerald - Baralek Gadang (1990)

1 Hanya Angan
2 Baralek Gadang
3 Gantolle
4 Pura Dewa
5 Gayamu
6 Satu Lagi

Emerald - Karapan Sapi (1991)

1 Pasti Dapat
2 Kini
3 The Job
4 Seventh Sky
5 Kecapi
6 Cerita Kita
7 Ronggeng
8 Alti Meter
9 Karapan Sapi

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